
ZWEIHANDER RPG Reforged Edition

Created by Zweihander RPG

Death is only the beginning. The next chapter of the ENNIE award-winning fantasy horror TTRPG is here.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

April 2024 Update
5 months ago – Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 12:18:43 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

ZWEIHANDER has been Reforged, thanks to you!
6 months ago – Sun, Apr 07, 2024 at 07:26:55 AM


We are overwhelmed with gratitude. Thanks to your incredible support, we are not just crossing the finish line; we are doing so with the strength of a united community behind us! Your trust and support have been the cornerstone of this journey, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

As we embark on this new adventure at World of Game Design with Reforged, know that we are committed to delivering a TTRPG that exceeds your expectations, filled with the rich storytelling, dark moral dilemmas, and tactical depth you've come to love about ZWEIHANDER.

For those of you who are new to our community, welcome to the cult! We can't wait to show you how awesome ZWEIHANDER can be with your support.

All Stretch Goals You Unlocked

With your incredibly generous pledges, here's what you have helped us achieve. Details forthcoming for all goals:

  • "The Chateau" adventure added to the core book.
  • All dice are upgraded to sustainably harvested animal bone.
  • 12 digital adventures written by industry luminaries: Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Khaldoun Khelil, Jared Nielsen, Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Richard August, Kate Bullock, Zac Goins, Anna Goldberg, William Tramp, Steven Hamilton, Pelle Nilsson, and Daniel D. Fox.
  • Gilded pages for the Collector's Edition.
  • Smythe-sewn layflat binding and 2 ribbon markers for all books.
  • 3 new ancestries in the core product (Dhampyr, Selken, and Vargr).
  • All Fortune Coins are upgraded to metal.
  • 100 total deathly Scars and 100 total corruptive Malignancies .
  • FoundryVTT & Roll 20 Development support.
  • Signed Bookplates for Collector's Edition.
  • Lior Eckhardt STL for all backers.
  • 3rd Party Asset Suite.
  • Gilded card edge on Affliction & Injury Deck.
  • 3-part Adventure series (newly unlocked).
  • VTT Token pack.

Project Commitments & Timelines

To celebrate, we are going to take a few days off to recuperate. Next week, expect our next update to include a product plan and progress notes on the manuscript. As with all prior ZWEIHANDER Kickstarters, you have our commitment to provide updates at least once a month, letting you know where our project stands.

Choose Your Adventure

We'd love to hear from you about what you want to see next in the ZWEIHANDER product line. Please fill out this survey and help us choose our next adventure together. We will pick a few winners from completed surveys to send either a first edition ZWEIHANDER Starter Kit or the campaign book Eternal Night of Lockwood:

Join the Discord

Thank you, from the deepest dungeons of our hearts, for believing in ZWEIHANDER RPG Reforged Edition! Be sure to join the other 2,111 members of our Discord community, where our entire team is active, answering any hot questions you have about rules and this Kickstarter: 

Starter Kit Giveaways

We are incredibly pleased to see so many people create their first survivor using ZWEIHANDER Reforged: Session Zero in the comments section! Daniel, Jared, and Zac will individually pick their favorites and announce the winners here and on Discord in the next seven days.

Get Started Today with Session Zero

Are you curious about what it means for your character to experience death during character creation? Download Session Zero to get started! Share online and use the hashtag #ZweihanderRPG, and we will boost your post across our social media channels. We can't wait to see what you come up with!

Happy gaming,

Daniel, Jared, Zac, and the team at World of Game Design

Bonus Stretch Goal Updates and more!
6 months ago – Mon, Apr 01, 2024 at 02:04:25 PM

Hey cvltists,

Thanks to you, we've officially unlocked the third-party asset suite for all backers!

Third Party Asset Suite

This will be a collection of sample layouts to create your own ZWEIHANDER supplements using our FREE Third Party Licensing Agreement. Within it, we also will provide templates in Affinity, Word, and maybe InDesign. We are also looking at expanding our artwork so that you can repurpose some of the illustrations into your own work.

5 Days Remain

We are getting down to the wire! The campaign ends soon, so we are pulling out all the stops to convince folks on the fence why they should back the Kickstarter now. Here are some of those benefits:

  1. The Cursed Chateau adventure will be included in the book. This is for all reward tiers for FREE.
  2. 12 free PDf adventures from industry luminaries for FREE to most pledge levels. These will not be free in Backerkit later on.
  3. Selken, Dhampyr, and Vargr ancestries will be included in the book. This is for all reward tiers for FREE.
  4. 50 new death Scars will be included in the book, bringing it up to 100! We've also expanded our corruptive Malignancies to 100 as a special thanks! This is for all reward tiers for FREE.
  5. Anyone who picked up the dice will be upgraded to Bone for FREE!
  6. Anyone who picked up the Fortune Coins will be upgraded to Metal for FREE!
  7. Collector Editions and card sets will have gold-gilded edges on the paper for FREE.
  8. Collector's Editions will get a signed bookplate for FREE.
  9. Standard and Collector's Editions will be smythe sewn with reinforced planks, lay flat binding, and 2 ribbon markers for FREE.
  10. Foundry VTT and Roll20 implementation is a go! We are working on plans to let backers get access to these once we move into the build phase.
  11. Lior Eckhardt free STL for all backers for FREE.
  12. Third-party asset suite for all backers for FREE.

More to come soon, including insights from creative lead Daniel D. Fox about the manuscript's progress (spoiler: it's 90% done!), a peek behind the scenes at new artwork, sample layouts from Eric Alsandor, and much, much more.

Thanks for believing in us.

Zac, Jared, Daniel, and World of Game Design

Printed Miniatures Available as an Add On
6 months ago – Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 02:33:14 PM

Thanks to our printing partners at Noble Dwarf you can purchase printed miniatures for our STL packs as Add On selections.  This helps if you don’t have a 3D printer or you just don’t want to wait to get these to your table!  

You can even order the Skeletal Beast!

Lior Eckhardt STL is unlocked! STL Showcase Within.
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 02:32:04 PM

Hey cvltists,

You did it! The Lior Eckhardt STL is officially unlocked! This is a fine time to showcase the STL files that were digitally sculpted by our resident artist William "Valandar" Chamberlin. Enjoy: