
ZWEIHANDER RPG Reforged Edition

Created by Zweihander RPG

Death is only the beginning. The next chapter of the ENNIE award-winning fantasy horror TTRPG is here.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Bonus Stretch Goals & GIveaways Continue!
6 months ago – Sat, Mar 16, 2024 at 11:16:28 AM

Hey cvltists,

You did it! You surpassed the goals we set for this campaign. This means Roll20 VTT support will now be added to our development pipeline. 

Bonus Stretch Goals

To celebrate this achievement, we've taken some of your suggestions and added new BONUS Stretch Goals to celebrate. Check them out:


This Effin' GM Games recorded a fun video that explains what he was surprised to find in ZWEIHANDER. Watch below:

Win a Starter Kit In the Comments

Remember, we are still hosting some giveaways for free Starter Kits in the Comments section! Free Giveaways In the Comments!

Sitting in our warehouse are 3 original ZWEIHANDER Starter Kits. We want to give them away to three lucky winners before the end of the campaign. These boxes are PACKED to the gills with dice, cards, posters, books, and more. They formed the foundation of what ZWEIHANDER Reforged has become, and we want to give them away:

How To Win A Starter Kit

1: Download ZWEIHANDER Reforged: Session Zero from DriveThruRPG.

2: Completely randomize your first survivor using only d100 rolls (no picking your options!) 

3: Referencing the survivor sheet, write your Mad Lib into the COMMENTS section of the Kickstarter (not in this post). As an example: My name is Lior Eckhardt, and I have spent most of my life as a Slayer. I am an adult non-binary Dhampyr and was raised in a Cultured home of the Lowborn social class. When you see me, I am of tall stature with an athletic build and 3 tattoos on my chin, each for a family member I lost. My life changed the day that I was buried alive by the baron for avenging the deaths of my husband and children. Yet I lived to tell the tale.

4. As the campaign closes, we will randomly select 3 winners from the COMMENTS section who posted their Mad Lib. We will promptly ship you a Starter Kit, free of charge, anywhere in the world (provided you aren't in an embargoed country). Multiple entries are awesome, but they won't increase your chances of winning.

Alright, cultists, get to work, and let's see some of the awesome survivors you can create! 

Thanks for all your support, 

- Daniel, Jared, Zac, & the WOGD Crew

More Stretch Goals Unlocked & Free Giveaways In the COMMENTS Section
6 months ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2024 at 02:43:48 PM

Hello Cvltists,

What a heck of a first 48 hours! You managed to knock out almost every stretch goal imaginable. We could imagine. Thank you all for your support for ZWEIHANDER!

Stretch Goals Unlocked

  • UNLOCKED: [$105k] Signed Book Plate: We are going to print and ship to everyone who ordered a physical book a signed plate by creator Daniel D. Fox. The plate will be on sticker paper, so you can place it inside the book or use it as a bookmark.
  • UNLOCKED: [$113k] Second Ribbon Marker: Who doesn't need more ribbon markers in their book? This one will be colored differently and both will be sewn direct into the plank of the book, so it cannot be accidentally ripped out of the book.

Free Giveaways In the Comments!

We thought we'd change up things a bit to make things a bit more exciting. Here's what we'd like to do:

Sitting in our warehouse are 3 original ZWEIHANDER Starter Kits. We want to give them away to three lucky winners before the end of the campaign. These boxes are PACKED to the gills with dice, cards, posters, books, and more. They formed the foundation of what ZWEIHANDER Reforged has become, and we want to give them away:

How To Win A Starter Kit

1: Download ZWEIHANDER Reforged: Session Zero from DriveThruRPG.

2: Completely randomize your first survivor using only d100 rolls (no picking your options!) 

3: Referencing the survivor sheet, write your Mad Lib into the COMMENTS section of the Kickstarter (not in this post). As an example: My name is Lior Eckhardt, and I have spent most of my life as a Slayer. I am an adult non-binary Dhampyr and was raised in a Cultured home of the Lowborn social class. When you see me, I am of tall stature with an athletic build and 3 tattoos on my chin, each for a family member I lost. My life changed the day that I was buried alive by the baron for avenging the deaths of my husband and children. Yet I lived to tell the tale.

4. As the campaign closes, we will randomly select 3 winners from the COMMENTS section who posted their Mad Lib. We will promptly ship you a Starter Kit, free of charge, anywhere in the world (provided you aren't in an embargoed country). Multiple entries are perfectly fine, but they won't increase your chances of winning.

Alright, cultists, get to work, and let's see some of the awesome survivors you can create! 

Thanks for all your support, 

- Daniel, Jared, Zac, & the WOGD Crew

$100k and plenty of Stretch Goals unlocked!
6 months ago – Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 11:29:12 AM

Hello Cvltists,

$100k in 24 hours on Kickstarter! Here's what you've helped us achieve:
🎲 Adventure in the core book
🎲 Smythesewn & lay-flat stitching w/ribbon
🎲 Dhampyr, Selkie & Vargr ancestries
🎲 FREE UPGRADE to real Bone Dice
🎲 FREE UPGRADE to metal Fortune Coins
🎲 50 more Scars
🎲 12 digital adventures
🎲 FoundryVTT for Reforged

Daniel and Zac joined the Geek's Cant Crew last evening to talk all things ZWEIHANDER, including a chat about its roots and what to expect from the future of the game line. You can watch it here:

We've already blown through a good chunk of Stretch Goals, so we'd love to know what sort of content you'd be most excited about as part of this campaign. Let us know in the main comment section of Kickstarter. Who knows, we might just pick an idea or two to run with!

Stretch Goals

  • UNLOCKED: [$53k] Smythe-Sewn Layflat Binding, Ribbon Marker: This is a big improvement to the quality level of all of our core books. Smyth-sewn means the book is going to withstand a ton of use (and be easier to use while you're at it), and who doesn't like a ribbon?
  • UNLOCKED: [$60k] 3 New Ancestries: We already have a truckload of ancestries in the book, but why not add a few more?
  •      SELKEN: Now and then, a drunken sailor speaks of a slippery maiden whose pelt he stole to keep her as a bride. They claim that women who were born from seafoam live on an island with their mortal lovers and frolic in the mist just out of reach. But these are no mere stories, for you are their progeny, called selkie (sell-key), hiding in plain sight.
  •      DHAMPYR: A latent but lasting dark legacy courses through your veins like a silent, potent river. You are dhampyr (dam-peer), a half-human or other ancestry whose legacy has been tainted with vampirism. You bear the unmistakable marks of your heritage: pearlescent eyes, opulent garb that flows about you, perhaps the hint of fangs betraying your true ancestry, or skin that echoes the paleness of the full moon.
  •      VARGR: In the untamed wilds of the first era, your lineage was born from the union of humankind and wolf-gods. The vargr (var-gur) are hirsute children of the forest. Your people forged a life of solitude, away from the scornful eyes of civilization, embracing the savage beauty of their nature. But human fear led to the near-extinction of your kind.
  • UNLOCKED: [$68k] +4 Digital Adventures: We're unlocking these adventures so fast that we'll have a hard time keeping up with the details! This brings our total number of free digital adventures up to 8 so far, and if you look closely at future stretch goals, you'll see we aren't done yet. We're excited to add Richard August, Kate Bullock, Zac Goins, and Anna Goldberg to the adventure roster. Welcome aboard!

As a note: These adventures are only free if you pledge on this Kickstarter.

  • UNLOCKED: [$75k] Fortune Coins Upgraded to Metal: Are coins truly coins if they're not metal? We're not so sure either, so with this upgrade, we will produce a high-quality set of (8) metal coins. (Quick note here: the design of these coins is far from finished). 
    Fortune coins aren't just a "luxury" accessory that gets pulled out once a campaign and then forgotten about every session after that. In ZWEIHANDER, these coins are exchanged by the players and the GM back and forth, ideally numerous times each session, as the players put Fortune to work to improve their chances for success and the GM can also raise the stakes by using them as Misfortune. You can add a set of metal coins to your pledge for just $15!
  • UNLOCKED: [$83] 50 More Scars: Scars are an important part of your survivor's journey in ZWEIHANDER Reforged. Ranging from a failing heart, to slow gait, to nightmares, your survivor can escape death by agreeing to take on a permanent Scar that alters how they play in the game. This now brings us up to 100 unique Scars.
  • UNLOCKED: [$90k] +4 Digital Adventures: This brings our total number of free digital adventures up to 12 so far! We're very excited to add Pelle Nilssen, Will Tramp, Steven Hamilton, and another adventure by Daniel D. Fox to the adventure roster. 
  • UNLOCKED: [$98k] FoundryVTT Support: We are very excited to be able to prepare Reforged for FoundryVTT. While this implementation won't be live this year, we can now begin contract work with developers.

    That's it for now, but thanks again for your support!

    - Daniel, Jared, Zac, & the WOGD Crew

2 Hours In and 4 Stretch Goals Unlocked! 400%!!!
6 months ago – Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 11:37:05 AM

Hello Cvltists.

Okay so we thought we'd wait until this evening to post an update but BY GOD! you have tore through the stretch goals! We figured we might as well hit you with some of the details on the early goals asap and we'll slide back in once a few more are unlocked:


  • UNLOCKED: [$15k] Adventure Added to Core Book
    This is the first goal, and it's an important one. We knew we wanted to have an adventure in the core book, but we wanted to make sure we funded at a certain level before we committed to the additional pages. That said, you killed it in about 15 minutes, so here we go. 

  • "The Chateau" is an introductory adventure written by Lauri Maijala & Daniel D. Fox. We say "written" because it's already done! This doesn't slow down our timeline but increases the final product's page count. 
  • The module presents a grim narrative in which survival hinges on smart decisions and thorough investigation as you investigate the eerie disappearance of the snowbound chateau's inhabitants. 
This is a 3D render and not meant to represent the finished product perfectly.
  • UNLOCKED: [$28k] Dice Upgraded to Real Bone
    This is huge, and something we really hoped to hit early. All dice across all applicable tiers will now be upgraded to real bone. This bone is sustainably sourced from one of our partners and looks absolutely fantastic. 
    Oh, and we also unlocked the dice as a separate add-on for $25 if you want to score additional sets. 
  • UNLOCKED: [$38k] 4 Digital Adventures
    All backers at the Digital Tier and above will now receive four digital adventures from Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Khaldoun Khelil, Jared Nielsen, and Elizabeth Chaipraditkul. We'll save some details about these for a future update, but for now, we just want to express how excited we are to work alongside such amazing talent. 
  • UNLOCKED: [$45k] Gilded Pages on Collector's Edition
    Another quality improvement for the Collector's Edition is adding gilded gold edges to the pages! We're looking to make this version of the book something extraordinary and really appreciate you all getting us here so quickly. 
    You can add additional copies of the Collector's Edition to your pledge for just $75!


How to Play Video

Zac and Daniel wrapped up a How-to-Play video late last night that details the entire Zweihander Reforged system in about 20 minutes. If you're curious about Zweihander in general, or if you're already a player and want to know what's changing with this edition, go give it a watch!

Polygon Interview

Also, Charlie Hall over at Polygon was kind enough to chat with Daniel about the Kickstarter and his quick interview is up on their site as of about 2 hours ago. 

That's it for now, but thanks again for your support!

- Daniel, Jared, Zac, & the WOGD Crew